Connection |
Represents a connection established over a listener.
EdgeBuilder |
A builder for creating an edge listener
EndpointBuilder |
An abstract builder sharing common attributes of endpoint listener builders.
Forwarder |
Forwarder is a type of listener which automatically forwards the
incoming Connection s to another url
Forwarder.Builder |
Represents a builder that can create new Forwarder instances.
Forwarder.Edge |
Forwarder.Endpoint |
Http.BasicAuth |
Represents basic authentication options for an HTTP listener.
Http.Header |
Represents an HTTP header.
Http.OAuth |
Represents OAuth configuration for an HTTP listener.
Http.OIDC |
Represents OIDC configuration for an HTTP listener.
Http.Scheme |
Represents the scheme for an HTTP listener.
Http.WebhookVerification |
Represents webhook verification options for an HTTP listener.
HttpBuilder |
A builder for creating a HTTP endpoint listener
Listener |
Listener enables applications to handle incoming traffic proxied by ngrok.
Listener.Builder |
Represents a builder that can create new Listener instances.
Listener.Edge |
Listener.Endpoint |
ListenerInfo |
Represents information about a running Listener .
ListenerInfo.Edge |
ListenerInfo.Endpoint |
MetadataBuilder |
An abstract builder sharing common attributes of all listener builders.
ProxyProto |
Enum representing the proxy protocol version.
Session |
A session with the ngrok service.
Session.Builder |
A builder for creating a session
Session.ClientInfo |
Represents additional information about the client.
Session.CommandHandler |
Provides a way to listen for specific server side events.
Session.HeartbeatHandler |
Provides a way to monitor current session's heartbeats and disconnects.
TcpBuilder |
A builder for creating a TCP endpoint listener
TlsBuilder |
A builder for creating a TLS endpoint listener